
Efficiency and quality performance

OUR NEEDS FOUNDATION believes in “value for money” and demonstrates effectiveness and efficiency in all services.

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Transparency and accountability

Openness In all transactions is a major break-through to success hence adopt transparency and accountability as its key values.



Most communities and individuals look up onto others for their own growth and development. OUR NEEDS FAOUNDATION has the expertise to enable beneficiaries mend this gap.


Social harmony

Many act uncompromisingly to their rights or usurp the rights of others. We believe unity breads peace, progress and development. OUR NEEDS FOUNDATION therefore assist individuals become effective terms.



We enhance the self-sufficiency of the people we serve and empower them to rebuild productive lives.



We advocate for the human needs of the people we serve and inspire the world community to respond to their needs.





We are stewards of the human and financial resources we have been given to ensure they serve those with great need.

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